skilled nursing services

Words of clients about the Skilled care at home by Athulya for seniors

Knowing what clients or residents feel about their services is essential for Athulya Home Healthcare. This allows them to evaluate client satisfaction and determine...
social media apps for seniors

Healthy and Handy apps for seniors to age gracefully at home

Have you ever considered whether there are any apps that can make life easier for seniors? If the answer is no, don't panic! We've...
physical therapist

A day in the life of a physiotherapist

As we age or grow older, our body undergoes several physical changes. These changes typically lead to a drop in bone density, and muscular...
christmas festival

Christmas celebrations in India, how can seniors enjoy this festival

Christmas has a major cultural significance because it is celebrated differently in each state of India. This impacts not only the culture of Christians...

Hyderabad – Get ready to witness a unique Home healthcare service.

Haleem, Mutton Samosa, Keema Samosa, Kebab, Pesarattu, Irani Chai, Osmania Biscuits. Oh, wait. Give me a minute. Let me grab a tissue, I’m drooling...
post stroke care

Up Again After Stroke – Importance of home healthcare

Your senior loved one has a new set of care needs after surviving a stroke. A senior stroke survivor has a variety of mental...
Caring the elderly during winter

Caring for the elderly during winter

Winter season is here! It’s time to take those cashmere shawls and pashmina scarf, woolen blankets, sweaters, gloves, and winter socks that have been...
Treat your senior's taste buds with these recipes

Treat your senior’s taste buds

Food is a source of comfort and delight. A freshly baked cake's aroma might instantly bring back pleasant memories of baking. Food plays such...
Signs that the elderly needs home care

Signs that the elderly needs home care

  Signs that the elderly needs home care Oh, rainy season! What a wonderful season to spend under the blankets while sipping a cup of coffee...

Safety precautions for seniors during diwali

Safety precautions for seniors during Diwali Yay! It’s that time of the year again. It's that time of the year when the houses are cleaned,...