protecting elder’s health from pollution

 (4 mins read)

World Environment Day

Every year on the 5th of June, World Environment Day is observed. One of the most critical tools for human existence on this planet is the environment. The environment is both a source of nourishment and a source of assistance in our survival. Without air, water, and soil, we couldn’t imagine life. Plants and animals, for example, are vital biotic components for living. In a web of relationships known as the ecological web, all of the components of the environment are interdependent. Because if one component of this web falls, the entire web will disintegrate, eliminating all life forms, it is important to keep it in balance. This is why we must make the decision to strive toward environmental preservation and repairing the damage we have caused.

Environmental protection is a responsibility shared by people of all ages. Whether it’s volunteering for groups that help keep our waterways safe or recycling household and garden rubbish, we can all do our part to keep the world healthy for future generations. Seniors play a critical role in environmental preservation and creating awareness about biodiversity.

Importance of Nature:

The natural cycle of our ecosystem is critical for creatures’ survival. We must all take care of the various elements that make up our natural environment. Mother nature is the one that cares for us and never damages us. It protects us from a variety of severe infections that could otherwise kill us. Those who live close to nature have a healthier and more serene lifestyle. Nature protection is critical for future generations; if we harm the environment, future generations will suffer. As previously said, older persons play a crucial role in environmental preservation; timely advice and preventive suggestions can be obtained from our older adults at home.

Ecosystem and Older adults:

Humans, like all living things, rely on ecosystem services to survive. It’s essential for the creation of food, water, and the transformation of raw materials into usable products. As a result, to sustain our living conditions, we must protect natural ecosystems. When there is an imbalance in the environment, the older individuals are the ones that suffer the most.

Climate Change :

Climate change is causing changes in weather patterns and circumstances. The climate is fast changing due to a multitude of factors. Without a doubt, global temperatures are rising our globe. As a result of climate change, extreme heat events will become more often, as will year-round temperatures. In elderly people with congestive heart failure, diabetes, or other chronic health conditions that make them more sensitive to heat, extreme heat can increase their risk of disease and fatality.

Activities for seniors

There is no denying that our earth is confronted with a variety of environmental issues. Global warming, pollution, and climate change have all harmed the health of our ecosystem. As a result, seniors might volunteer to raise awareness among younger folks on environmental day and world earth day by participating in activities such as:

  • Making organic colors at home
  • Plantation by seniors
  • Making eco-friendly bags
  • Reusing plastics at home

Ageing and Environmental Health :

Exposure to environmental health pollutants puts older people at greater risk. Our bodies grow more susceptible to environmental health hazards as we age, which can exacerbate chronic diseases. Furthermore, older folks’ bodies have collected a lifetime’s worth of environmental and occupational pollutants. The prevalence of age-related diseases tends to rise rapidly as the population becomes older. Thus, it is critical to detect and eliminate potential risk factors for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders to lessen the burden of age-related diseases. Among the many elements that influence the ageing process, one of the modifiable risk factors is environmental exposure. As a result, we need to learn more about the dangers of environmental exposure to the elderly. Pollutants and chemicals in the environment harm aging’s homeostatic status, resulting in the onset of certain diseases at an earlier age than expected.

Athulya Home Care :

As there is a rapid change in the environment seniors are the most affected, and it is hard for them to come out and visit a healthcare professional often due to high pollution, which may even lead to life-threatening risks, therefore Athulya home care provides a new sort of home healthcare experience. It is available to  who require home care services in Chennai. The quality of aged care services in India is being raised by Athulya Home care. Athulya offers medical visits, nursing care, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, sample collection, medicine delivery, and many other services exclusively for seniors in the comfort of their own homes, simplifying the way seniors receive quality care.