Telehealth for Seniors: The Modern Instant Solution for Elder’s Consultation Needs

 (4 mins read)

doctor video consultation

Until 2019, medical consultations were a straightforward procedure, where the patient just had to book an appointment before taking up a face-to-face session with the doctor. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc over the world, the entire medical industry was forced to undertake virtual care for patients. For senior citizens, in specific, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and, this is what this blog is going to be all about – Telehealth for seniors and how it has shaped their life in a better way.

Over the last decade, the world has witnessed a massive technology boom which has subsequently added up to the elderly’s comfort. Indeed, there are still a few seniors out there reluctant to adapt to the new ways and are instead sticking to face-to-face sessions at the clinic.

However, the majority of them have been showing a keenness to embrace the latest technological advancements in the medical industry. Hence, let us begin with the activities and services that are made feasible through telehealth.

  • Doctor video consultation – Have a virtual consultation with your doctor or nurse via computers or smartphones.
  • Keeping tabs on the vitals – Not all seniors require regular house calls from nurses and physicians only to check their vital signs. Alternatively, one may record data like weight, blood pressure, pulse rate, oxygen level and others by oneself and email the information over to their doctor.
  • Making basic requests online – Checking your test results, requesting medication refills, sending a message to your doctor, or scheduling an appointment via an online portal.
  • Sharing information – Sending medical information, including test results, diagnoses and drug allergies.
  • Monitoring seniors at home – Keeping a virtual eye on senior citizens to make sure they are sleeping on time, consuming sufficient food, and taking medications as prescribed.
  • Online courses for seniors – For seniors seeking ways to keep themselves occupied, there are multiple online courses out there, including modern script calligraphy, music, dancing, art, writing and others.
  • Fitness apps for seniors – Again, seniors struggling with mobility, could opt for virtual sessions with physios to get rid of muscle stiffness. Furthermore, there are apps exclusively built for seniors needing guidance with exercising.

There are, however, always two sides to every story. Hence, now that we’ve gone through some of the biggest perks of telehealth, let’s now focus on certain disadvantages.

  • Not all issues can be resolved through a virtual consultation – Every sort of consultation cannot be performed remotely. You must still visit the clinic for blood work and other similar diagnoses that require a more hands-on approach.
  • With cyber crimes on the rise, there is a security threat when it comes to sharing confidential details online.
  • Not all insurance companies cover the expenses of telehealth. Yes, insurance companies are slowly adapting to the post-pandemic world, but, with the transition phase underway, in certain cases, senior citizens might be obliged to spend money out of their pocket.

Biggest challenges in telehealth

While telehealth is offering much-needed help to all, especially in the comfort of their homes, there are quite a few challenges that need tackling.

  • There are still a few seniors who do not have access to technology, such as the internet and, more crucially, electronic gadgets that serve as a link between them and the doctor. So, how are such seniors supposed to enjoy this more convenient system?
  • Telehealth will be challenging, if not impossible, for certain seniors who have hearing and vision impairments. In such circumstances, the senior may demand a significant amount of personalization, which may necessitate a significant amount of labour and money.
  • Some seniors may have all of the necessary technology but lack literacy, making it difficult for them to fully utilise telehealth to the fullest.

Avail Athulya Home Care for the best telehealth services

Are you seeking an effective teleconsultation from a world-class medical service provider? Do opt for Athulya Home Healthcare which provides incredible virtual medical services and assistance for senior citizens.

As of now, Athulya extends its services to several cities in South India, including Chennai, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Kochi and Hyderabad. Furthermore, it also offers effective home care services to seniors needing partial to constant medical assistance.

For more details, do check us out at Athulya Home Healthcare.