Protecting Seniors from the Flu-Winters

 (5 mins read)

Winter health tips

Global warming has impacted the weather worldwide with extreme temperature conditions. So, apart from acute sizzling summers, chilly winters pose enormous threats. The population segment that needs to exercise extra caution in this context is our beloved senior citizens. That is predominantly because temperatures lower than ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit can lead to several winter health issues like hypothermia wherein body temperatures are dangerously low leading to serious consequences. Reduced body temperatures also cause heart attacks, liver problems and kidney damage.

Unfortunately, the decreased immunity and fragile body make elders more vulnerable to flu in winters. Every year, there are nearly three to five million cases of winter flu and a few lakh people succumb to it worldwide. With the recurring waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors need to follow certain winter safety tips to safeguard themselves fully in the cold season. Senior care facilities like home healthcare services provide additional support and assistance to elders in this regard. Athulya Homecare, a prominent and highly preferred provider of geriatric homecare services in Chennai, is adept at catering to care needs during such challenging times.

The skilled nursing team of Athulya Homecare provides comprehensive care support to elderly patients at the comfort of their own homes. Specialized nursing services like Chronic Disease Management, IV Therapy and Fluid Management, Post-Operative Care, Wound Dressing, Critical Care and Palliative Care, Home Medicine Delivery, Doctor Visits and Blood Sample Collection are some of its senior-friendly offerings. Let us now understand the common symptoms of flu, its treatment and prevention.

Common Flu Symptoms

  • High fever and shivering
  • Cold and sneezing
  • Persistent dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Throat infection
  • General weakness and exhaustion
  • Body aches and cramps
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Headache
  • Blocked or running nose
  • Watery eyes

Digestion problems like loose stools and nausea

Treatment for Flu

  • Home Remedies – Remaining well-hydrated, avoiding close contact with people, consuming fresh hot foods, taking plenty of rest and maintaining proper hand hygiene are some simple steps that can be followed at home by seniors.
  • Medications – Since flu is caused by a virus, medicines may be taken for easing the symptoms rather than curing the infection. Antibiotics may not help treat flu as they are meant for bacterial infections. Over-the-counter medications like analgesics, nasal steroids, decongestants, cough expectorants and antihistamines may be used for some relief.

Winter Health Tips

  • Keep yourself warm by wearing appropriate winter clothing to cover the body fully to prevent hypothermia. Use socks and slippers at home if necessary. Some of the useful winter wear clothes include boots, hats, gloves, sweaters or thermal wear and scarfs.
  • Avoid stepping out unnecessarily.
  • Protect the lungs by wearing multiple layers of loose-fitting thin layered clothes instead of single thick layered clothes.
  • Set the indoor temperature to sixty-five Fahrenheit or higher. Ensure that you are completely dry because wet garments can reduce the body temperature pretty fast.
  • Build the body’s immunity by regular exercise and a good diet. Foods rich in Vitamin C like oranges, strawberries, guava, broccoli and sprouts and supplements can avoid flu attacks. Likewise, the consumption of Indian spices like red chili, pepper and turmeric also boosts immunity levels.
  • As recommended by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), take the annual flu vaccine regularly. It is available ad nasal sprays and injections.
  • Avoid close contact with sick persons. Cover your nose and mouth fully while sneezing and coughing.
  • Involve yourself in low-impact exercises periodically to improve blood circulation and provide warmth to the heart muscles.
  • Keep track of your diet and medications. Make sure that you have sufficient stock of all essential medicines. Eat small quantities of healthy food several times a day to maintain energy levels.
  • Do not neglect the skin. Use moisturizers and skin protection lotions to avoid irritation and discoloration.

Evade seasonal depression by engaging yourself in mental stimulation games like chess and Sudoku.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Which parts of the body are affected by flu?

Flu and common cold viruses commonly attack the upper respiratory system including the nose, mouth, lung and throat.

  • Can you name the health conditions of seniors that pose high-risk due to flu?

Seniors with chronic medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, liver or kidney failure, lung or heart disease and those with weakened immune systems due to HIV/AIDS, cancer and steroid usage are at higher risk.

  • Enumerate the complications arising from flu.

Neglecting flu can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, congestive heart failure and severe sinus or ear infections.

  • How do you differentiate between flu and COVID-19 infection?

There is a loss of smell and taste in case of COVID-19 infection which differentiates it from the common flu.

Thus healthy lifestyle practices with a nutritious diet and exercise can protect seniors from flu attacks and make winters enjoyable.