Everything you need to know about malaria and tips on how to prevent it (World mosquito day)

 (4 mins read)

World mosquito day

World  mosquito day:

When we are bitten by a mosquito carrying microscopic parasites, we can contract malaria, a dangerous illness that can be fatal. The malaria parasites enter our bloodstream when the insect bites us. The parasites are what causes malaria. Malaria can result in serious health issues such as organ failure, convulsions, brain damage, breathing difficulties, and even death if it is not treated. In recognition of the finding that there is a connection between humans, malaria, and mosquitoes, World Mosquito Day was established. You might be wondering how a mosquito transmits malaria. It is as easy as taking a bite. When a malaria-carrying mosquito bites us, the parasite is discharged into the bloodstream and has the potential to infect every cell in our body.

Malaria in seniors:

In actuality, malaria can affect elders. Like everyone else, they could contract the sickness. People frequently get bitten by insects carrying the malaria virus. Seniors must take care because there is no guarantee that they can defend themselves. Malaria affects certain people more than others. The most vulnerable are those with weakened immune systems, such as small children, pregnant women, people with autoimmune illnesses, and the elderly. Additionally, miscarriages and stillbirths can happen to pregnant women.

Symptoms of Malaria in Seniors:

The most typical malaria symptoms include chills, a high fever,  aches and pains. Additionally, elderly people frequently have symptoms including coughing, feeling queasy, and sometimes diarrhoea. Of course, all of these signs and symptoms can also be found in other illnesses and infections. The fact that the symptoms of malaria frequently appear in waves or one after another is one of its distinguishing characteristics. Try to get in touch with a doctor as soon as possible if you detect any combination of these symptoms. If not, after each round of symptoms, the body becomes weaker. Malaria can be fatal, especially for elderly people, thus it is advisable to have a doctor check it out. Athulya home healthcare services in Chennai and Bangalore would assist seniors by providing home care services like doctor visits, nursing care, medicine delivery, and home lab tests to obtain instant clarification in such circumstances.

Prevention of malaria :

To reduce your chances of getting malaria, you should:

  • Keeping mosquito fish (Gambusia) can aid in mosquito larvae control.
  • Dress appropriately, especially in the evening. The clothing must be comforting and should cover your extremities. Garment should be made of cotton and should be light in colour.
  • We can use a variety of over-the-counter creams and bands to fight against mosquitoes.
  • Keep windows closed and cover them with netting, to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house.

 Healthy  diet plan:

The body needs more calories and nutrients when the patient has a malarial fever. Additionally, the rise in body temperature affects the requirement to consume more calories. Eat a lot of carbohydrates. Select rice instead of wheat and millet. Rice has a simple digestion process and releases energy more quickly. Senior individuals with malaria benefit greatly from eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that foods high in vitamin A and vitamin C, such as beets, carrots, papayas, sweet limes, grapes, berries, lemons, and oranges, help seniors with malaria detoxify and strengthen their immune systems. Avoid foods containing a lot of fibre, such as whole grain cereals, thick-skinned fruits, and green leafy vegetables. Avoid foods with high-fat content, such as fries, chips, pastries, anything with a lot of cheese, maida-based foods, etc. Avoid eating anything that is particularly hot or spicy. It will cause unnecessary heartburn and gastrointestinal issues. A patient with malaria shouldn’t consume any sauces or pickles. Avoid drinking any caffeinated beverages, including coffee, tea, cocoa, cola, and so on.


Your parents get old eventually. They grow ill, fragile, and weak. Because of their circumstances, they require greater consideration, affection, and understanding—but more significantly, they require high-quality health care. Athulya home health care services are your sole choice for high-quality senior care. Elderly care can be challenging because of many demands, but Athulya enables you to give seniors the care they need for their health, stability, and well-being.